Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society

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Volume 49, 2023

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society
Full digital texts from the 2021, 2022, and 2023 volumes are available on request for AMIS members only. 

Side Drums, Race, and Power in North America (pp. 61–97) 

Jayson Dobney

The Recorder Collection in the Sigal Music Museum (pp. 222–242)

Albert R. Rice

Book Reviews (pp. 243–258)

Fabien Guilloux and Emanuele Marconi, eds. Un Souffle de modernité! Camille Saint-Saëns et les instruments à vent /A Breath of Modernity! Camille Saint-Saëns and Wind Instruments
reviewed by Laura Beha 

Giovanni Paolo di Stefano, ed. Il Pianoforte in Italia
reviewed by Antonio Cascelli

Bryan Manning Kendall. In Search of the Saxophone: Its Origins & Functions
reviewed by Ignace De Keyser 

León F. García Corona and Kathleen Wiens, eds. Voices of the Field: Pathways in Public Ethnomusicology 
reviewed by Jayme Kurland

Kristina R. Gaddy, Well of Souls: Uncovering the Banjo’s Hidden History
reviewed by Darcy Kuronen 

Jennifer C. Post, Sunmin Yoon, and Charlotte D’Evelyn, eds., Mongolian Sound Worlds
reviewed by Helen Rees 

Recent Publications (pp. 259–266)

A list compiled by Pamela R. Dennis

Back Matter (pp. 267–end)

Volume 48, 2022

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society
Full digital texts from the 2021, 2022, and 2023 volumes are available on request for AMIS members only. 

An Extraordinary Fine Instrument: The Grand Pianoforte of John Michael Berent (pp. 72–117)

Thomas Strange and Alexandra Cade

Book Reviews (pp. nnn–nnn)

Michael Fleming and Christopher Page, eds., Music and Instruments 
of the Elizabethan Age: The Eglantine Table
Reviewed by Herbert Myers

Douglas MacMillan, The Flageolet in England 1660–1914
Reviewed by Robert Bigio 

Thomas Strange, “A Respectable Inhabitant of This City”: John Geib and Sons, Organ Builders & Piano Forte Manufacturers
Reviewed by Thomas Winter

David Breitman, Piano Playing Revisited: What Modern Players Can Learn from Period Instruments
Reviewed by Anne Acker

Jane Ellsworth, ed., The Clarinet
Reviewed by Catherine Crisp


From Stefaan Verdegem and Ricardo Simian about 3D Printing

From Paul Knoke about a Historic Harp

From Herbert Myers and Daniel Crespo Alcarria about Early Violin Bows

Recent Publications (pp. 314–324)

A list compiled by Pamela R. Dennis

Back Matter (pp. 325–end)

Volume 47, 2021

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society
Full digital texts from the 2021, 2022, and 2023 volumes are available on request for AMIS members only. 

Something More about Straight-Top Oboes (pp. 29–91)

Marcello Rizzello

Kemangeh Roumy, a Multistring Instrument in Epirus (pp. 118–161)

Sotirios Katsouras

Book Reviews (pp. 183–206)

David Leinweber, The Art of Ancient Music
reviewed by Allison A. Alcorn 

Maggie Kilbey, Music-Making in the Hertfordshire Parish, 1760–1870
reviewed by Catherine Crisp

Nicholas Thistlethwaite, Organ-building in Georgian and Victorian England: The Work of Gray & Davison, 1772–1890
reviewed by Laurence Libin

Mike Baldwin, Harp Making in Late-Georgian London
reviewed by Paul Knokke

William E. Hettrick, The American Piano Industry: Episodes in the History of a Great Enterprise
reviewed by Anne Acker

Uri M. Kupferschmidt, Strings and Celebrities—Hakkert’s “First Dutch Stringmakers”
reviewed by Geerten Verberkmoes

Recent Publications (pp. 207–215)

A list compiled by Pamela R. Dennis

Back Matter (pp. 216–end)

Volume 46, 2020

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society

The Early Evolution of the Saxophone Mouthpiece (pp. 99–125)

Timothy R. Rose

Book Reviews (pp. 224–247)

Florence Gétreau, Voir la musique
Reviewed by Robert Adelson 

Patrizio Barbieri, Hydraulic Musical Automata in Italian Villas and Other Ingenia 1400–2000
Reviewed by Anne Beetem Acker

Bettina Hoffmann, The Viola da Gamba, translated by Paul Ferguson
Reviewed by Thomas MacCracken 

Michael Latcham, Towards a New History of the Piano: A Context for the Work of Johann Andreas Stein as a Piano Maker
Reviewed by John R. Watson

Francesco Carreras, I brevetti italiani sugli strumenti musicali, elenco sintetico dal 1855 al 2018 con il testo integrale dei brevetti sugli strumenti a fiato
Reviewed by Albert R. Rice

Die Sammlung alter Musikinstrumente—Die ersten 100 Jahre / The Collection of Historic Musical Instruments—The First 100 Years, edited by B. Darmstädter, R. Hopfner, and A. Huber
Reviewed by Panagiotis Poulopoulos

Recent Publications (pp. 248–258)

A list compiled by Pamela R. Dennis

Back Matter (pp. 259–end)

Volume 45, 2019

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society


Objects Indestructible: Metronomes on Exhibition (pp. 285–292)

Alexander Bonus

Book Reviews (pp. 293–304)

Trevor Herbert, Arnold Myers, and John Wallace, eds., The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Brass Instruments
Reviewed by E. Bradley Strauchen-Scherer

Robert Riggs, ed., The Violin
Reviewed by Arian Sheets

Eva Badura-Skoda., The Eighteenth-Century Fortepiano Grand and its Patrons from Scarlatti to Beethoven
Reviewed by Kathryn L. Libin

Recent Publications (pp. 305–311)

A list compiled by Pamela R. Dennis

Back Matter (pp. 312–end)

Volume 44, 2018

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society

Organology and the Others: A Political Perspective (pp. 7–17)

Gabriele Rossi Rognoni

Organology and Material Culture (pp. 18–25)

Flora Dennis

Seeing Instruments (pp. 33–40)

Emily I. Dolan

Actor-Network Theory and Organology (pp. 41–51)

Eliot Bates

A View from the Trenches (pp. 52–63)

John Koster

Organology and the Others: A Response (pp. 64–75)

Laurence Libin

The English Triple Flageolet (pp. 123–143)

Douglas Macmillan

Charles Jean-Baptiste Soualle and the Saxophone (pp. 179–208)

Stephan Cottrell

BOOK REVIEWS (pp. 331–342)

Michael Fleming and John Bryan, Early English Viols: Instruments, Makers, and Music
Reviewed by Thomas Fitz-Hugh Mace

Christopher Page, The Guitar in Stuart England: A Social and Musical History
Reviewed by Paul Sparks

Sabine Katharina Klaus, Trumpets and Other High Brass: A History Inspired by the Joe R. and Joella E. Utley Collection. Volume 3: Valves Evolve 
Reviewed by Herbert Heyde

Douglas Koeppe, Woodwinds in Early America
Reviewed by Geoffrey Burgess

Recent Publications (pp. 343–349)

A list compiled by Pamela R. Dennis

Back Matter (pp. 350–end)

Volume 43, 2017

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society

Jamestown Revisited: Another Trumpet Mouthpiece 203 from Colonial Virginia (pp. 203–215)

Stewart Carter and Sabine K. Klaus

BOOK REVIEWS (pp. 216–232)

Jeremy Montagu, Horns and Trumf1ets of the World: An Illustrated Guide 
Reviewed by Bradley Strauchen-Scherer

Hannes Vereecke, The Sixteenth-Century Trombone: Dimensions, Materials and Techniques 
Reviewed by Arnold Myers

Christopher Germain, Philip J. Kass, Darcy Kuronen, Dameron Midgett, and John Montgomery, The American Violin 
Reviewed by Allison A. Alcorn

Edward Blakeman, Wibb-A Flute for Life
Reviewed by Kyle Dzapo

Robert Adelson, Alain Roudier,Jenny Nex, Laure Barthel, and Michel Foussard, eds., The History of the Erard Piano and Harp in Letters and Documents, 1785-1959
Reviewed by Panagiotis Poulopoulos

Recent Publications (pp. 233–240)

A list compiled by Pamela R. Dennis

Back Matter (pp. 241–end)

Volume 42, 2016

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society

Boosey & Hawkes in Peace and War 1930-45 (pp. 43–86)

Jocelyn Howell

APPENDIX: Color Photographs (pp. 221–234)

BOOK REVIEWS (pp. 235–253)

Jerrold Levinson, Musical Concerns: Essays in Philosophy of Music, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015.
Reviewed by Robert Adelson

Sun Zhuo, The Chinese Zheng Zither: Contemj,om,)' Transfonnations. Farnham, England: Ashgate Publishing Ltd. , 2015. 
Reviewed by Beth Bullard

Patrizio Barbieri, Physics of Wind Instruments and 0rgan Pipes 1100-2010. New and Extended Writings. Latina, Italy: Il Levante Libreria, 2013.
Reviewed by Murray Campbell 

Stewart Pollens, The Manual of Musical Instrument Conservation. Cambridge: University Printing House, 2015.
Reviewed by John Watson

Alberto Cuellar et al., La Escuela Granadina de Guitarreros = The Granada School of Guitar-Makers, ed. John Ray, [Granada]: Diputación de Granada, 2014. 
Reviewed by James Westbrook 

Quincy Whitney, American Luthier: Carleen Hutchins-the Art & Science of the Violin. Lebanon, NH: Fore Edge Books, 2016. 
Reviewed by Allison A. Alcorn 

Recent Publications (pp. 254–261)

A list compiled by Pamela R. Dennis

Back Matter (pp. 262–end)

Volume 41, 2015

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society

BOOK REVIEWS (pp. 260–283)

Laurence Libin, Editor-in-chief., The Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments, 2nd ed. 
Reviewed by Jayson Kerr Dobney

Claude Montal, translated by Fred Sturm, The Art of Tuning: A SelfGuided Manual for  Piano Tuning, Design, Action Regulation, and Repair from mid-19th Century France: For the Piano Owner and Technician, with Guidelines for Training the Blind and Visually impaired.
Reviewed by Anne Beetem Acker

Jéròme Lejeune, A Guide to Period lnstrumentsGuide des instruments anciens-Leitfaden durch die historischen lnstrumente; A Guide to Musical Instruments vol 11, 1800-1950 
Reviewed by Geoffrey Burgess

Sabine Ka1herina Klaus, Trumpets and Other High Brass: A History Inspired by the Joe R. and Joella F Utl.ey Collection, Volume 2, Ways to Expand the Harmonic Series 
Reviewed by Ralph Thomas Dudgeon

Inventing the American Guitar: The Pre-Civil War Innovations of C. F. Martin and his Contemporaries, ed. Robert Shaw and Peter Szego
Reviewed by Darcy Kuronen 

Stephen Cottrell. The Saxophone. The Yale University Instrument Series.
Reviewed by James R. Noyes

Recent Publications (pp. 284–291)

A list compiled by Pamela R. Dennis

Back Matter (pp. 292–end)

Volume 40, 2014

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society

Comments and Reflections upon the 40th Anniversary Issue of the Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society  (pp. 5–8)

Congratulations from the President


In the Beginning


BOOK REVIEWS (pp. 240–256)

Robert Bigio, Rudall, Rose & Carte: The Art of the Flute in Britain
Reviewed by Susan Berdahl

Mary Cyr, Style and Performance for Bowed String Instruments in French Baroque Music
Reviewed by Brandi Berry

Bernard Brauchli, Alberto Calazzo, and Judith Wardman, eds., De Clavicordio IX: Proceedings of the IX International Clavichord Symposium.

Bernard Brauchli, Alberto Calazzo, and Judith Wardman, eds., De Clavicordio IX: Proceedings of the IX International Clavichord Symposium.
Reviewed by John Koster

Sumi Gunji and Henry Johnson, A Dictionary of Traditional .Japanese Musical Instruments: From Prehistory to the Edo Period 
Reviewed by Jeremy Montagu

Anthony Hammond, Pierre Cochereau: Organist of Notre-Dame
Reviewed by Timothy Tikker


Recent Publications (pp. 259–272)

A list compiled by Pamela R. Dennis

Back Matter (pp. 273–end)

Volume 39, 2013

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society

Todini's Golden Harpsichord Revisited (pp. 5–61)

Herbert Heide

The Organ with Paper Pipes of the Correr Museum in Venice: a Review and New Insights (pp. 89–172)

Emanuele Marconi and Jean-Philippe Echard

Mehler: Western Perceptions and Imitations (pp. 143–181)

Harrison Powley


BOOK REVIEWS (pp. 206–223)

David Creese, The Monochord in Ancient Greek Harmonic Science
Reviewed by Cecil Adkins

Sabine Katherina Klaus, Trumets and Other High Brass, A History Inspired by the Joe R. and Joella F. Utley Collection. vol. I, Instruments of the Single Harmonic Series 
Reviewed by Robert E. Eliason

James Clark, Connecticut's Fife and Drum Tradition 
Reviewed by Jayson Dobney

Nicolas Dufetel, ed., Liszt e il suono di Érard/Liszt and the Érard sound/Liszt et le son Érard 
Reviewed by Susanne Skyrm

David Yearsley,  Bach's Feet: The Organ Pedals in European Culture 
Reviewed by Jane Schatkin Hettrick

Frederic B. Stiven, In the Organ Lofts of Paris
Reviewed by Agnes Armstrong

David Lasocki., The Recorder and Other Members of the Flute Family in Writings from 1100 to 1500
Reviewed by William E. Hettrick

Recent Publications (pp. 224–231)

A list compiled by Pamela R. Dennis

Back Matter (pp. 232–end)

Volume 38, 2012

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society

Combination Clarinet Patents in Italy (pp. 5–33)

Francesco Carreras

The Panormo Alto Recorder: a Dolce Flauto Dolce? (pp. 34–46)

Inês de Avena Braga

BOOK REVIEWS (pp. 148–169)

Florence Gétreau, Musique-Images-Instruments vol. 12: Orchestres aux XVIIIe et XJXe siècles: composition, directions, représentation
Reviewed by Robert Adelson

Frie demann and Barbara Hellwig, Joachim Tielke. Kunstvolle Musikinstrumente des Barock
Reviewed by Eszter Fontana

Amanda Villepastour, Ancient Text Messages of the Yorùbá Bàtá Drum: Cracking the Code 
Reviewed by Beth Bullard 

Barbara Owen, The Great 0rgan at Methuen: From its Celebrated Arrival in Nineteeth-Century Boston to the Present
Reviewed by Stephen Schnurr 

John Milnes, ed., Musical Instruments in the Ashmolean Museum: The Complete Collection
Reviewed by John Moran

Günter Dullat, 200 Jahre Patente, Privilegien und Gebrauchsmuster im internationalen Holz- und Metallblasinstrumentenbau
Reviewed by Albert R. Rice

Fernando Mazzocca, Grant O'Brien, Giovanni Paolo Di Stefano, Lavinia Galli, and Andreina Bazzi, Schanz lo strumento dei Principi: Arte e musica nella Milano dell'Ottocento al tempo di Cristina Archinto Tivulzio / Schanz the Instrument of Princes: Art and Music in the [sic] Nineteenth Century Milan at the Time of Cristina Archinto Trivulzio. Alla ricerca dei suoni perduti / In Search of Lost Sounds, Appendix 1

Franco Lorenzo Arruga, Luigi di Fronzo, Elena Previdi, and Giovanni Paolo Di Stefano. Note de valzer nel mondo viennese: Arte e musica nelfortepiano di Heitzmann / Waltzes from the World of Vienna: Art and Music on the Heitzmann Fortepiano. Alla ricerca dei suoni perduti / In Search of Lost Sounds, Appendix 2

Florence Gétreau et al. Chopin e il suono di Pleyel: Arte e musica nella Parigi romantica / Chopin and the Pleyel Sound: Art and Music in Romantic Paris / Chopin et le son Pleyel: Art et musique dans le Paris romantique. Alla ricerca dei suoni perduti / In Search of Lost Sounds,
Appendix 3
Reviewed by Anita Sullivan


The Continuation of Phillip T. Young’s Research: a New Article about Asa Hopkins, Jabez M. Camp, and Firth, Hall & Pond Woodwind Making
Robert E. Eliason with Albert R. Rice

Recent Publications (pp. 176–186)

A list compiled by Pamela R. Dennis

Back Matter (pp. 187–end)

Volume 37, 2011

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society

New Evidence for the Origins of Kettledrums in Western Europe (pp. 5–18)

Susan Forscher Weiss and Ichiro Fujinaga

The Jamestown Mouthpiece: A Historical, Technical, and Comparative Study (pp. 19–44)

Sabine K. Klaus and Stewart Carter

Why Straight-Tops? (pp. 88–156)

Cecil Adkins

BOOK REVIEWS (pp. 157–179)

Mauricio Molina, Frame Drums in the Medieval Iberian Peninsula 
Reviewed by Cristina Bordas

Günter Dullat, Verzeichnis der Holz- und Metallblasinstrumentenmacher auf deutschsprachigem Gebiet von 1500 bis Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts
Reviewed by Sabine K. Klaus

Thomas Steiner, editor, Cordes et claviers au temps de Mozart: Actes des Rencontres Internationales harmoniques, Lausanne 2006 / Bowed and Keyboard Instruments in the Age of Mozart: Proceedings of the harmoniques International Congress, Lausanne 2006
Reviewed by Laurence Libin 

Luisa Morales, editor, Domenico Scarlatti en España: Actas de los simposia FIMTE 2006-2007 / Domenico Scarlatti in Spain: Proceedings of FIMTE Symposia 2006-2007
Reviewed by Edward Pepe

Stewart Pollens, Stradivari
Reviewed by Gabriele Rossi Rognoni

Tom Wilder, editor, The Conservation, Restoration, and Repair of Stringed Instruments and Their Bows
Reviewed by Arian Sheets

Recent Publications (pp. 180–185)

A list compiled by Pamela R. Dennis

Back Matter (pp. 186–end)

Volume 36, 2010

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society

William Whiteley, Utica, New York, Musical Instrument Maker (pp. 5–57)

Robert E. Eliason and Frederick R. Selch

Franz Strobach: Basset Horns and New Biographical Information (pp. 58–77)

Robert Šebesta and Eric Hoeprich

BOOK REVIEWS (pp. 155–182)

Howard Schott and John Koster, editors, Aspects of Harpsichord Making in the British Isles
Reviewed by Edward L. Kottick

Preethi de Silva, The Fortepiano Writings of Streicher, Dieudonné, and the Schiedmayers: Two Manuals and a Notebook, Translated from the Original German, with Commentary
Reviewed by Edwin M. Good 

Richard Bösel, editor, in collaboration with the Istituto Storico Austriaco a Roma, the Istituto Storico Germanico a Roma, Sezione di Storia della Musica, and the Società Italiana di Musicologia, La cultura del fortepiano / Die Kultur des Hammerklaviers 1770-1830: Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi / Akten der internationalen Studientagung; Roma 26-29 Maggio 2004 / Rom 26.—29. Mai 2004
Reviewed by Eva Badura-Skoda 

John R. Watson, Artifacts in Use: The Paradox of Restoration and the Conservation of Organs
Reviewed by R. L. Barclay 

Tina Frühauf, The Organ and Its Music in German-Jewish Culture
Reviewed by Sebastian M. Glück

Albert R. Rice, From the Clarinet d'Amour to the Contra Bass: A History of Large Size Clarinets, 1740-1860
Reviewed by Eric Hoeprich

Guido Meli, editor, Il restauro conservativo del contrabbasso “Panormo”
Reviewed by Jonathan Santa María Bouquet

Carol A. Gartrell,  A History of the Baryton and Its Music: King of Instruments, Instrument of Kings
Reviewed by John Moran

Peter H. Adams, An Annotated Index to Selected Articles from The Musical Courier, 1880-1940
Reviewed by William E. Hettrick


The Bonfire Still Smolders
William E. Hettrick

Corrections and Additions to the Review of Eric Hoeprich’s The Clarinet (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2008)
Albert R. Rice

Recent Publications (pp. 187–200)

A list compiled by Pamela R. Dennis

Back Matter (pp. 197–end)

Volume 35, 2009

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society

The Saxotromba: Fact or Fiction? (pp. 123–149)

Eugenia Mitroulia

BOOK REVIEWS (pp. 150–183)

Nick Collins and Julio d’Escriván, editors, The Cambridge Companion to Electronic Music
Reviewed by Mark Zaki

JeffreyJ.Noonan, The Guitar in America: Victorian Era to Jazz Age
Reviewed by Darcy Kuronen

Marie-Anne Sarda, editor, Le Vielleux: Métamorphoses d'une figure d’artiste du XVIIe au XIXe siècle
Reviewed by Robert A. Green

Patrizio Barbieri, Enharmonic Instruments andMusic, 1470-1900: Revised and Translated Studies
Reviewed by Edward L. Kottick 

Luisa Morales, editor, Cinco siglos de música de tecla española / Five Centuries of Spanish  Keyboard Music: Proceedings of FIMTE Symposia 2002-2004
Reviewed by Suzanne Skyrm 

Bernard Brauchli, Alberto Galazzo, and Judith Wardman, editors, De clavicordio VII: The Clavichord on the Iberian Peninsula; Proceedings of the VIII International Clavichord Symposium, Magnano, 5-8 September 2007
Reviewed by Laurence Libin

Christian Ahrens, Valved Brass: The History of an Invention,
Reviewed by Robert E. Eliason 

Eric Hoeprich, The Clarinet 
Reviewed by Albert R. Rice

Arnold Myers, editor, Catalogue of the Sir Nicholas Shackleton Collection
Reviewed by Robert Howe

Hugh Cheape, Bagpipes: A National Collection of a National Instrument
Reviewed by James Kopp 


More on the Heckelphone (p. 184)
Robert Howe and Peter Hurd

A Recently Found Graves & Co. Valved Bugle (p. 189)
Robert E. Eliason

Recent Publications (pp. 195–00)

A list compiled by Pamela R. Dennis

Back Matter (pp. 209–end)

Volume 34, 2008

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society

BOOK REVIEWS (pp. 114–149)

Elizabeth Wells and Christopher Nobbs, editors, Museum of Instruments: Catalogue. Part III, European Stringed Instruments
Reviewed by Joëlle Morton 

Henry Johnson, The Koto: A Traditional Instrument in Contemporary Japan
Reviewed by Beth Bullard 

André Millard, editor, The Electric Guitar: A History of an American Icon
Reviewed by Matthew Hill 

Stewart Carter, editor, Brass Scholarship in Review: Proceedings of the Historic Brass Society Conference, Cité de la Musique, Paris 1999
Reviewed by Niles Eldredge 

Readings in the History of the Flute: Monographs, Essays, Reviews, Letters and Advertisements from Nineteenth-Century London, edited and with an introduction by Robert Bigio; Edward Blakeman, Taffanel: Genius of the Flute; Nancy Toff, Monarch of the Flute: The Life of Georges Barrere
Reviewed by Jane Bowers 

Jan Bouterse, Dutch Woodwind Instruments and Their Makers, 1660-1760
Reviewed by Albert R. Rice

Bernard Brauchli, Alberto Galazzo, and Ivan Moody, editors, De Clavicordio VI: Proceedings of the VIInternational Clavichord Symposium, Magnano 2003
Reviewed by Rodney Myrvaagnes 

Gerhard Doderer and John Henry van der Meer, Cordofones de tecla portugueses do século XVIII: Clavicordios, cravos, pianofortes e espinetas / Portuguese String Keyboard Instruments of the Eighteenth Century: Clavichords, Harpsichords, Fortepianos and Spinets
Reviewed by Suzanne Skyrm

John Henry van der Meer et al., Alla ricerca dei suoni perduti: Arte e musica negli strumenti della collezione di Fernanda Giulini / In Search of Lost Sounds: Art and Music in the Instruments Collection of Fernanda Giulini; Giuseppe Barigazzi, John Henry van der Meer, Daniela Di Castro, and Michael Latcham, Walter e Stein gli strumenti di Mozart: Arte e musica nella collezione di Fernanda Giulini / Mozart's Piano Makers Walter and Stein: Art and Music in Fernanda Giulini's Collection
Reviewed by Thomas G. MacCracken


A Keyed Bugle by Hall 8: Quinby (p. 150)
Robert E. Eliason

An Additional D. C. Hall Stamp (p. 154)
Albert R. Rice

Recent Publications (pp. 156–161)

A list compiled by Amber Williamson and Chris Baker

Back Matter (pp. 162–end)

Volume 33, 2007

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society

The British Museum Citole: An Organological Study (pp. 5–41)

Kathryn Buehler-McWilliams

BOOK REVIEWS (pp. 240–268)

Frederick R. Selch and H. Reynolds Butler, The Legacy of Sebastian Virdung: An Illustrated Catalogue of Rare Books from the Frederick R. Selch Collection Pertaining to the History of Musical Instruments
Reviewed by Darcy Kuronen

Bettina Wackernagel, Holzblasinstrumente. Kataloge des Bayerischen Nationalmuseums 22 (p. 242)
Reviewed by Cecil Adkins

Trevor Herbert, The Trombone (p. 245)
Reviewed by Charlotte A. Leonard

Michael Cole, Broadwood Square Pianos: Their Historical Context, and Technical Development, Together with a New Biography of John Broadwood (p. 249)
Reviewed by Sabine K. Klaus

Ralf Leenen and Barry Pratt, The Embergher Mandolin (p. 252)
Reviewed by James Tyler

John Ogasapian, Scot L. Huntington, Len Levasseur, and N. Lee Orr, editors, Litterae Organi: Essays in Honor of Barbara Owen (p. 254)
Reviewed by Isabelle Emerson

John R. Watson, editor, Organ Restoration Reconsidered: Proceedings of a Colloquium (p. 255)
Reviewed by Isabelle Emerson

Monika Lustig, editor, Geschichte, Bauweise und Spieltechnik der tiefen Streichinstrumente: 21.  Musikinstrumentenbau-Symposium Michaelstein, 17. bis 19. November 2000 (p. 259)
Reviewed by John Moran

Jonathan Wainwright and Peter Holman, editors, From Renaissance to Baroque: Change in Instruments andInstrumental Music in the Seventeenth Century (p. 264)
Reviewed by James B. Kopp


A Maker's Stamp of the Gütter Family
Douglas F. Koeppe

Recent Publications (pp. 271–281)

A list compiled by Amanda Maple

Back Matter (pp. 282–end)

Volume 32, 2006

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society

BOOK REVIEWS (pp. 167–196)

Edward L. Kottick, A History of the Harpsichord (p. 167)
Reviewed by John R. Watson

Thomas Steiner, editor, Instruments à claviers—expressivité elflexibilité sonore / Keyboard Instruments —Flexibility of Sound and Expression (p. 172)
Reviewed by Edwin Good

Trevor Pinch and Frank Trocco, Analog Days: The Invention and Impact of the Moog Synthesizer; Hans Fjellestad, Moog: A Documentary Film (p. 175)
Reviewed by Randy Westbrook

Bettina Wackernagel, Musikinstrumentenverzeichnis der Bayerischen Hofkapelle von 1655: Faksimile, Transkription und Kommentar (p. 179)
Reviewed by William E. Hettrick

Andy Nercessian, The Duduk and National Identity in Armenia (p. 183)
Reviewed by J. Kenneth Moore

Murray Campbell, Clive Greated, and Arnold Myers, Musical Instruments: History, Technology, and Performance of Instruments of Western Music (p. 186)
Reviewed by Laurence Libin

Robert Barclay, The Preservation and Use of Historic Musical Instruments (p. 191)
Reviewed by Albert R. Rice

Bruce Haynes, A History of Performing Pitch: The Story of “A” (p. 194)
Reviewed by Kenneth Kreitner

Recent Publications (pp. 197–205)

A list compiled by Amanda Maple

Back Matter (pp. 206–end)

Volume 31, 2005

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society

BOOK REVIEWS (pp. 183–202)

Jeremy Montagu, Musical Instruments of the Bible (p. 183)
Reviewed by Beth Bullard

Philip F. Gura, C. F Martin andHis Guitars, 1796-1873 (p. 187)
Reviewed by Darcy Kuronen

Susan Orlando, editor, he Italian Viola da Gamba: Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Italian Viola da Gamba (p. 191)
Reviewed by Tina Chancey

Geoffrey Burgess and Bruce Haynes, The Oboe (p. 195)
Reviewed by Samantha Owens

Albert R. Rice, The Clarinet in the Classical Period (p. 199)
Reviewed by Deborah Check Reeves

Recent Publications (pp. 203–210)

A list compiled by Amanda Maple

Back Matter (pp. 211–end)

Volume 30, 2004

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society

The Heckelphone at 100 (pp. 98–165)

Robert Howe and Peter Hurd

BOOK REVIEWS (pp. 166–183)

Edmund A. Bowles, The Timpani: A History in Pictures and Documents (p. 166)
Reviewed by Arnold Myers

Jeremy Montagu, Timpani and Percussion (p. 168)
Reviewed by Harrison Powley

Paul M. Gifford, The Hammered Dulcimer in America: A History (p. 172)
Reviewed by Nancy Groce

Dennis G. Waring, Manufacturing the Muse: Estey Organs and Consumer Culture in Victorian America (p. 175)
Reviewed by Darcy Kuronen

Alfons Huber, ed., Das Österreichische Cembalo: 600 Jahre Cembalobau in Österreich (p. 179)
Reviewed by Howard Schott

COMMUNICATIONS   (p. 184–196)

An Eleven-Key Oboe by C. G. Christman (p. 184)
Douglas Koeppe

Thomas Ryan Identified (p. 190)
Peter H. Bloom

“T. Ryan” Identified, and an Echo Mute at the Fiske Museum (p. 191)
Albert R. Rice

More on Echo-Cornets (p. 193)
Robert E. Eliason

Recent Publications (pp. 197–204)

A list compiled by Amanda Maple

Back Matter (pp. 205–end)

Volume 29, 2003

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society

BOOK REVIEWS (pp. 230–270)

Matthew Spring, The Lute in Britain: A History of the Instrument and Its Music (p. 230)
Reviewed by James Tyler

Robert Lundberg, Historical Lute Construction; 
Douglas Alton Smith, A History of the Lute from Antiquity to the Renaissance (p. 234)
Reviewed by Kenneth Bé

Ardal Powell, The Flute (p. 237)
Reviewed by Jane M. Bowers

Bruce Haynes, The Eloquent Oboe: A History of the Hautboy from 1640 to 1760 (p. 245)
Reviewed by Susan E. Thompson

Annette Otterstedt, The Viol: History of an Instrument (p. 249)
Reviewed by Shannon P. Zusman

Michael Fleming, Viol-Making in England c. 1580-1660 (p. 255)
Reviewed by John Moran

Howard Schott, editor, The Historical Harpsichord, volume 4 (p. 260)
Reviewed by Kenneth Mobbs

Jeremy Montagu, Reed Instruments: The Montagu Collection, An Annotated Catalogue (p. 263)
Reviewed by Cecil Adkins 

Brigitte Bachman-Geiser, Europäische Musikinstrumente im Bernischen Historischen Museum: Die Sammlung als Spiegel bernischer Musikkultur (p. 266)
Reviewed by Beth Bullard


Chinese Instruments from the Galpin Collection at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts (p. 271)
Darcy Kuronen

Recent Publications (pp. 272–282)

A list compiled by Amanda Maple

Back Matter (pp. 283–end)

Volume 28, 2002

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society

Early Violin Making in New England (pp. 5–62)

Darcy Kuronen

The Maltese Friction Drum  (pp. 174–211)

Anna Borg-Cardona

BOOK REVIEWS (pp. 211–245)

Hugh de Ferranti, Japanese Musical Instruments; 
Alan R. Thrasher, Chinese Musical Instruments (p. 211)
Reviewed by Barbara B. Smith

Albert Glinsky, Theremin: Ether Music and Espionage (p. 215)
Reviewed by John W. Coltman

Darcy Kuronen, Dangerous Curves: The Art of the Guitar  (p. 220)
Reviewed by Jeremy Tubbs

Rudolf Hopfner, Streichbogen: Katalog; Sammlung alter Musikinstrumente und Sammlungen der Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Wien [im Kunsthistorischen Museum Wien];
John Huber, The Development of the Modern Violin, 1775-1825: The Rise of the French School; Josef Focht, Der Wiener Kontrabass: Spieltechnik und Aufführungspraxis, Musik und Instrumente
Reviewed by John Moran

David Rattray, Masterpieces ofItalian Violin Making (1620-1850): Important Stringed Instruments from the Collection at the Royal Academy of Music, 2nd edition (p. 228)
Reviewed by Ben Hebbert

Edwin M. Good, Giraffes, Black Dragons, and Other Pianos: A Technological History from Cristofori to the Modern Concert Grand, 2nd edition (p. 230)
Reviewed by Edward L. Kottick

Philippe Lescat and Jean Saint-Arroman, editors, Clarinette: Méthodes et Traités, Dictionnaires (p. 234)
Reviewed by Albert R. Rice

Jim Berrow, editor, Towards the Conservation and Restoration of Historic Organs: A Record of the Liverpool Conference, 23-26 August 1999 (p. 238)
Reviewed by Barbara Owen

Claire Chevallier, Jos van Immerseel, et al., editors, ‘Matière et Musique”: The Cluny Encounter (Proceedings of the European Encounter on Instrument Making and Restoration) (p. 241)
Reviewed by Laurence Libin


Smaller than Hautbois: A Fresh Look at James Talbot's Schalmeye (p. 246)
Susan E. Thompson

Recent Publications (pp. 261–271)

A list compiled by Amanda Maple

Back Matter (pp. 272–end)

Volume 27, 2001

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society

The German Oboe in the Eighteenth Century (pp. 5–47)

Cecil Adkins

BOOK REVIEWS (pp. 183–215)

Alison Arnold, editor, South Asia: The Indian Subcontinent (The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music, Vol. 5) (p. 183)
Reviewed by Beth Bullard

Karl Neuenfeldt, editor, The Didjeridu: From Arnhem Land to Internet (p. 188)
Reviewed by J. Kenneth Moore

Eric Montbel and Florence Gétreau, editors, Souffler, c'est jouer: Chabretaires et cornemuses à miroirs en Limousin  (p. 191)
Reviewed by Carmelle Bégin

Philip F. Gura and James F. Bollman, America's Instrument: The Banjo in the Nineteenth Century (p. 195)
Reviewed by André Larson

Martha Clinkscale, Makers of the Piano, Volume 2: 1820-1860  (p. 198)
Reviewed by Edwin M. Good

James Parakilas et al., Piano Roles: Three Hundred Years of Life with the Piano (p. 200)
Reviewed by Howard Schott

Carol A. Traupman-Carr, editor, “Pleasing for Our Use”: David Tannenberg and the Organs of the Moravians (p. 206)
Reviewed by Arthur P. Lawrence

Robin Stowell, editor, The Cambridge Companion to the Cello (p. 208)
Reviewed by Brenda Neece

Frank P. Bär, editor, Musica Instrumentalis: Zeitschrift füOrganologie. Ausgabe 1 (1998); Band 2 (1999) (p. 212)
Reviewed by William E. Hettrick


Recent Publications (pp. 220–227)

A list compiled by Amanda Maple

Back Matter (pp. 228–end)

Volume 26, 2000

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society

BOOK REVIEWS (pp. 214–242)

Richard Maunder, Keyboard Instruments in Eighteenth Century Vienna (p. 214)
Reviewed by Kathryn Shanks Libin

Michael Cole, The Pianoforte in the Classical Era (p. 218)
Reviewed by Martha Novak Clinkscale

David Rowland, editor, The Cambridge Companion to the Piano (p. 221)
Reviewed by Stephen Siek

Bernard Brauchli, The Clavichord (p. 224)
Reviewed by Richard Troeger

Nicholas Thistlethwaite and Geoffrey Webber, editors, The Cambridge Companion to the Organ (p. 228)
Reviewed by Arthur P. Lawrence

Gustav Fock, Hamburg's Role in Northern European Organ Building (p. 231)
Reviewed by Jane Schatkin Hettrick

Alain Corbin, Village Bells: Sound and Meaning in the 19th-Century French Countryside (p. 235)
Reviewed by Laurence Libin

Alfred Planyavsky, The Baroque Double Bass Violon (p. 238)
Reviewed by Shanon P. Zusman


Recent Publications (pp. 251–259)

A list compiled by Amanda Maple

Back Matter (pp. 260–end)

Volume 25, 1999

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society

Some Early American Boehm Flutes (pp. 5–30)

Peter Spohr

Deutsche Schalmei: A Question of Terminology (pp. 31–60)

Susan E. Thompson

The Deutsche Schalmeien of Richard Haka (pp. 61–94)

Jan Bouterse

BOOK REVIEWS (pp. 133–163)

Florence Gétreau, Aux Origines du Musée de la Musique: Les Collections instrumentales du Conservatoire de Paris, 1793-1993 (p. 133)
Reviewed by André P. Larson

Arnold Myers, editor, Historic Musical Instruments in the Edinburgh University Collection: Catalogue of the Edinburgh University Collection of Historic Musical Instruments (p. 136)
Reviewed by Albert R. Rice

Phillip T. Young, Die Holzblasinstrumente im Oberösterreichischen Landesmuseum / Woodwind Instruments of the Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum (p. 139)
Reviewed by Michael Finkelman

Barbara Owen, The Registration of Baroque Organ Music (p. 143)
Reviewed by Jane Schatkin Hettrick

Robert F. Gellerman, The American Reed Organ and the Harmonium: A Treatise on its History, Restoration and Tuning, with Descriptions of some Outstanding Collections, Including a Stop Dictionary and a Directory of Reed Organs.
Robert R. [i.e., F.] Gellerman, Gellerman's International Reed Organ Atlas, Second edition (p. 148)
Reviewed by Allison Alcorn-Oppedahl

Trevor Herbert and John Wallace, editors, The Cambridge Companion to Brass Instruments (p. 151)
Reviewed by John Q. Ericson

Brian W. Harvey and Carla J. Shapreau, Violin Fraud: Deception, Forgery, and Lawsuits in England and America (p. 154)
Reviewed by Todd French

Robert L. Barclay, editor, The Care of Historic Musical Instruments (p. 157)
Reviewed by Laurence Libin

Dieter Krickeberg, editor, Der “schöne” Klang: Studien zum historischen Musikinstrumentenbau in Deutschland und Japan unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des alten Nürnberg (p. 161)
Reviewed by Edwin M. Good


Recent Publications (pp. 166–181)

A list compiled by Amanda Maple

Back Matter (pp. 182–end)

Volume 24, 1998

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society

BOOK REVIEWS (pp. 146–172)

Musique * Images * Instruments: Revue française d'organologie et d'iconographie musicale. Volume 1 (1995): Innovations et traditions dans la vie musicale française au XIXe siècle.
Volume 2 (1996): Aspects de la vie musicale au XVIIe siècle (p. 146)
Reviewed by Robert A. Green

Robert A. Green, The Hurdy-Gurdy in Eighteenth-Century France (p. 148)
Reviewed by Carolyn W. Simons

Sterling Scott Jones, The Lira da Bracci (p. 151)
Reviewed by Tina Chancey

Robert Shaw, Great Guitars. Paul William Schmidt, Acquired of the Angels: The Lives and Works of Master Guitar Makers John D'Angelico and James L. D'Aquisto (p. 154)
Reviewed by Charles F. McGovern

Art Brownlow, The Last Trumpet: A History of the English Slide Trumpet (p. 157)
Reviewed by Robert E. Eliason

The Keyed Flute by Johann George Tromlitz, [translated and] edited by Ardal Powell (p. 160)
Reviewed by Peter H. Bloom

Bernard Brauchli, Susan Brauchli, and Alberto Galazzo, editors, De Clavichordio II: Proceedings of the International Clavichord Symposium = Atti del Congresso Internazionale sul Clavicordo: Magnano, 21-23 September 1995 (p. 164)
Reviewed by Edward L. Kottick

Edward L. Kottick and George Lucktenberg, Early Keyboard Instruments in European Museums (p. 169)
Reviewed by Darcy Kuronen

Recent Publications (pp. 173–180)

A list compiled by William C. Parsons

Back Matter (pp. 181–end)

Volume 23, 1997

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society

Fétis and the “Meifred” Horn (pp. 121–146)

Keffrey L. Snedeker

BOOK REVIEWS (pp. 147–169)

Donald H. Boalch, Makers of the Harpsichord and Clavichord 1440-1840, third edition, edited by Charles Mould (p. 147)
Reviewed by Laurence Libin

Pieter Dirksen, ed., The Harpsichord and its Repertoire: Proceedings of the International Harpsichord Symposium, Utrecht 1990 (p. 151)
Reviewed by Arthur Lawrence

Tula Giannini, Great Flute Makers of France: The Lot and Godfroy Families, 1650-1900 (p. 153)
Reviewed by Ardal Powell

David Lasocki, with Roger Prior, The Bassanos: Venetian Musicians and Instrument Makers in England, 1531-1665 (p. 158)
Reviewed by Guilio M. Ongaro

Richard Griscom and David Lasocki, The Recorder: A Guide to Writings about the Instrument for Players and Researchers (p. 00)
Reviewed by Dale Higbee

Paul Sparks, The Classical Mandolin (p. 164)
Reviewed by Ann Viles

Edwin Buijsen and Louis Peter Grijp, et al., The Hoogsteder Exhibition of Music and Painting in the Golden Age (p. 166)
Reviewed by Dale Higbee


Recent Publications (pp. 172–179)

A list compiled by William C. Parsons

Back Matter (pp. 180–end)

Volume 22, 1996

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society

The Raffles Gamelan at Claydon House (pp. 5–41)

Sam Quigley

The Tromlitz Flute (pp. 89–109)

Ardal Powell

BOOK REVIEWS (pp. 128–139)

Germanisches Nationalmuseum Nürnberg, Martin Kirnbauer, Flöten- und Rohrblattinstrumente bis 1750: Beschreibender Katalog (p. 128)
Reviewed by Albert R. Rice

Robert Palmieri, ed., with Margaret W. Palmieri, The Piano (p. 132)
Reviewed by Bruce Carlson

Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Gerhard Stradner et al., Klangführer durch die Sammlung alter Musikinstrumente (p. 133)
Reviewed by Frederick Crane

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, John Koster, Keyboard Musical Instruments in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (p. 136)
Reviewed by Barbara Owen

Recent Publications (pp. 140–150)

A list compiled by William C. Parsons

Back Matter (pp. 151–end)

Volume 21, 1995

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society

FORUM  (p. 86-93)

Uprights Grand and Practical: A Matter of Definition (p. 86)

Cabinets and Other Pianos (p. 86)
Edwin M. Good

Pianos for the Cabinet (p. 89)
Martha Novak Clinkscale

BOOK REVIEWS (pp. 94–108)

William Waterhouse, The New Langwill Index: A Dictionary of Musical Wind-Instrument Makers and Inventors (p. 94)
Reviewed by Albert R. Rice

Phillip T. Young, 4900 Historical Woodwind Instruments: An Inventory of 200 Makers in International Collection (p. 98)
Reviewed by Dale Higbee

Marianne Betz, Der Csakan und seine Musik: Wiener Musikleben im frühen 19. Jahrhundert, dargestellt am Beispiel einer Spazierstockblockflöte (p. 101)
Reviewed by William E. Hettrick

Microsoft Musical Instruments (p. 105)
Reviewed by William C. Parsons

Recent Publications (pp. 109–118)

A list compiled by William C. Parsons

Back Matter (pp. 119–end)

Volume 20, 1994

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society

West African Harps (pp. 5–53)

Eric Charry

John Huber Revisited (pp. 73–83)

Laurence Libin

Two Tangent Square Pianos in Poland (pp. 84–89)

Benjamin Vogel

REPORT  (p. 111–115)

Making a Bowed Keyboard Instrument
Akio Obuchi

BOOK REVIEWS (pp. 116–132)

John Henry van der Meer et al., Kielklaviere: Cembali, Spinette, Virginale: Bestandskatalo (p. 116)
Reviewed by Howard Schott

David Woodrow, The Shape of Stradivari Violins: Proportions in the Forms and Violins of Antonio Stradivari (p. 120)
Reviewed by Allison A. Alcorn-Oppedahl

Josef and Reiner Hammerl, eds., Geigenlacke: Wissenwertes über Harze und Grundstoffe für Geigenlack sowie Ratschäge zur Lackierung (p. 122)
Reviewed by Lee Brentlinger

The Historical Harpsichord, ed. Howard Schott, vol. 3 (p. 123)
Reviewed by Edward L Kottick

John Solum, The Early Flute (p. 126)
Reviewed by Dale Higbee

Ralph T. Dudgeon, The Keyed Bugle (p. 128)
Reviewed by S. Frederick Starr

Communication from Kenneth Mobbs (p. 130–132)

Recent Publications (pp. 133–142)

A list compiled by William C. Parsons

Back Matter (pp. 143–end)

Volume 19, 1993

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society

John Huber’s Pianos in Context (pp. 5–37)

Laurence Libin

Some Moravian Makers of Bowed Stringed Instruments (pp. 38–34)

Frederick R. Selch

BOOK REVIEWS (pp. 105–114)

Owen H. Jorgensen, Tuning: Containing the Perfection of Eighteenth-Century Temperament, the Lost Art of Nineteenth-Century Temperament, and the Science of Equal Temperament (p. 105)
Reviewed by John W. Coltman

Roberto Regazzi, compiler, The Complete Luthier's Library: A Useful International Critical Bibliography for the Maker and Connoisseur of Stringed and Plucked Instruments (p. 109)
Reviewed by Ann Viles

Trevor Herbert, editor, Bands: The Brass Band Movement in the 19th and 20th Centuries (p. 112)
Reviewed by S. Frederick Starr

Margaret J. Kartomi, On Concepts and Classifications of Musical Instruments (p. 113)
Reviewed by Albert R. Rice

COMMUNICATION from John Koster (p. 115)

Recent Publications (pp. 118–125)

A list compiled by William C. Parsons

Back Matter (pp. 126–end)

Volume 18, 1992

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society

Pre-Columbian Flutes of Mesoamerica (pp. 22–61)

Richard W. Payne and John D. Hartley

BOOK REVIEWS (pp. 103–132)

Nancy Groce, Musical Instrument Makers of New York: A Directory of Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Urban Craftsmen (p. 103)
Reviewed by Laurence Libin

Clifford Bevan, editor, Musical Instrument Collections in the British Isles. (p. 106)
Reviewed by Dale Higbee

Grant O'Brien, Ruckers: A Harpsichord and Virginal Building Tradition. (p. 109)
Reviewed by John Koster

Five Lectures on the Acoustics of the Piano, ed. by Anders Askenfelt. (p. 124)
Reviewed by Edward L. Kottick

Martha Maas and Jane McIntosh Snyder, Stringed Instruments of Ancient Greece (p. 131)
Reviewed by Margaret Downie Banks

Recent Publications (pp. 133–140)

A list compiled by William C. Parsons

Back Matter (pp. 141–end)

Volume 17, 1991

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society

BOOK REVIEWS (pp. 137–169)

James Coover, Music at Auction: Puttick and Simpson (of London), 1794-1971. (p. 137)
Reviewed by Michael C. Finkelman

Malou Haine, Les instruments de musique dans les collections belges / Musical Instruments in Belgian Collections / Muziek-instrumenten in Belgische versammlungen (p. 140)
Reviewed by Albert R. Rice

Kunitachi College of Music Research Institute, Division of Musical Instruments, The Collection of Musical Instruments. (p. 145)
Reviewed by Peter H. Adams

Il flauto dolce: revista semestrale per lo studio e la practica della musica antica. (p. 146)
Reviewed by Herbert W. Myers

Alison Crum, with Sonia Jackson, Play the Viol: The Complete Guide to Playing the Treble, Tenor, and Bass Viol. (p. 149)
Reviewed by M. Alexandra Eddy

Martin van Schaik, De harp in de mideleeuwen: Studies naar de symbolick van een muziekinstrument (p. 152)
Reviewed by Linda Simonson

James Tyler and Paul Sparks, The Early Mandolin. (p. 157)
Reviewed by Patrick Snowden Marshall

Nelly van Ree Bernard, The Psaltery: An Annotated Audio-visual Review of Different Types of Psaltery (p. 158)
Reviewed by Becky Blackley

Ki Mantle Hood, The Evolution of Javanese Gamelan. Book 3: Paragon of the Roaring Sea (p. 162)
Reviewed by Barbara B. Smith

Hans Georg Richter, Holz als Rohstoff für den Musikinstrumentenbau. (p. 163)
Reviewed by John Koster

Recent Publications (pp. 170–180)

A list compiled by William C. Parsons

Back Matter (pp. 181–end)

Volume 16, 1990

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society

BOOK REVIEWS  (pp. 177–203)

Friedemann Hellwig, ed., Studia Organologica: Festschrift für John Henry van der Meer zu seinem fünfundsechzigsien Geburtstag (p. 177)
Reviewed by Gordon Sandford

Edmund A. Bowles, Musical Ensembles in Festival Books, 1500-1800: An Iconographical and Documentary Survey (p. 180)
Reviewed by Margaret Downie Banks

Craig H. Roell, The Piano in America, 1890-1940. (p. 186)
Reviewed by Darcy Kuronen

Don L. Smithers, The Music and History of the Baroque Trumpet before 1721 (p. 188)
Reviewed by Ralph Dudgeon

David M. Guion, The Trombone: Its History and Music, 1697-1811. (p. 192)
Reviewed by Albert R. Rice

Terence Ford, comp. and ed., National Gallery of Art, Washington; 
Margareth Boyer Owens, Art Institute of Chicago;
Terence Ford and Andrew Green, The Pierpont Morgan Library: Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts;
Elliot Hurwitt, The Frick Collection, New York. (p. 00)
Reviewed by Carolyn Bryant

Patrizio Barbieri, Acustica, accordatura e temp to nell’ illuminismo Veneto (p. 202)
Reviewed by Giulio M. Ongaro

Recent Publications (pp. 204–214)

A list compiled by William C. Parsons

Back Matter (pp. 215–end)

Volume 15, 1989

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society

Indian Flutes of the Southwest (pp. 5–31)

Richard W. Payne

Woodwind Makers in Venice, 1790-1900 (pp. 52–73)

Alfredo Bernardini

Theophilus on Making Organ Pipes (pp. 74–89)

Wilson Barry

BOOK REVIEWS (pp. 119–137)

Luisa Cervelli, Antichi strumenti in un moderno museo: Museo Nazionale Strumenti Musicali —Roma.  (p. 119)
Reviewed by Darcy Kuronen

Clemens von Gleich, A Checklist of Pianos: Musical Instrument Collection Haags  Gemeentemuseum. (p. 121)
Reviewed by Thomas Masinter

Walter Senn and Karl Roy, Jakob Stainer: Leben und Werk des tiroler Meisters 1617-1683. (p. 123)
Reviewed by Laurence C. Witten

Laurence Dana Dreyfus, Bach's Continuo Group: Players and Practices in His Vocal Works (p. 125)
Reviewed by Gordon Sandford

Meredith Alice McCutcheon, Guitar and Vihuela: An Annotated Bibliography (p. 127)
Reviewed by Gary R. Moege

Heinz Bahnert, Theodor Herzberg, and Herbert Schramm, Metallblasinstrumente (p. 129)
Reviewed by George R. Hunter

The Glen Account Book: 1838-1853, with introduction and indexes by Arnold Myers. (p. 131)
Reviewed by Susan Berdahl

James M. Borders, European and American Wind and Percussion Instruments: Catalog of the Stearns Collection of Musical Instruments, University of Michigan. (p. 133)
Reviewed by Albert R. Rice

COMMUNICATION from Barbara Owen (p. 138)

Recent Publications (pp. 139–144)

A list compiled by George Huber

Back Matter (pp. 145–end)

Volume 14, 1988

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society

Miniaturization of the Positive Organ, 1570-1750 (pp. 5–37)

Cecil Adkins and Alis Dickinson

Catline Strings Revisited (pp. 38–60)

Stephen Bonta

C. G. Conn: The Man (1844–1931) and His Company (1874–1915) (pp. 61–113)

Margaret Downie Banks and James W. Jordan

Musical Instruments and Ritual: A Systematic Approach (pp. 126–160)

Sue Carole DeVale

BOOK REVIEWS (pp. 161–186)

Andrew Stiller, Handbook of Instrumentation.  (p. 161)
Reviewed by Herbert W. Myers

Malou Haine and Nicolas Meeus, eds., Dictionnaire des facteurs d'instruments de musique en Wallonie et à Bruxelles du 9e siècle à nos jours (p. 164)
Reviewed by Barbara Owen

Edwin M. Good, The Eddy Collection of Musical Instruments: A Checklist; 
Clemens von Gleich, Haags Gemeentemuseum: Over het onstaan van de Muziekafdeling: Portret van de Verzameling—Scheurleer. (p. 168)
Reviewed by James M. Borders

Peter and Ann Mactaggart, eds., Musical Instruments in the 1851 Exhibition: A Transcription of the Entries of Musical Interest from the Official Illustrated Catalogue of the Great Exhibition of the Art and Industry of All Nations, with Additional Material from Contemporary Sources (p. 171)
Reviewed by Carolyn Bryant

Luigi Ferdinando Tagliavini and John Henry van der Meer, Clavicembali e spinette dal XVI al XIX secolo: Collezione L. F. Tagliavini (p. 174)
Reviewed by Edward L. Kottick

Johann Joachim Quantz, On Playing the Flute, translated by Edward R. Reilly. (p. 177)
Reviewed by Beth Bullard

Albert Hiller, Das Grosse Buch vom Posthorn.  (p. 181)
Reviewed by Ralph Dudgeon

Thomas Vennum Jr., The Ojibwa Dance Drum: Its History and Construction (p. 184)
Reviewed by Robert Washburn


Communication from John Henry van der Meer (p. 187)

Communication from Albert R. Rice (p. 187)

Recent Publications (pp. 191–197)

A list compiled by George Huber

Back Matter (pp. 198–end)

Volume 13, 1987

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society

The Typology and History of the Bass Clarinet (pp. 65–88)

John Henry van der Meer

BOOK REVIEWS (pp. 107–127)

John Henry van der Meer, Musikinstrumente: Von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. (p. 107)
Reviewed by Frederick B. Crane

Laurence Libin, American Musical Instruments in the Metropolitan Museum of Art.  (p. 110)
Reviewed by Dale Higbee

Stanley Sadie, ed., The New Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments. (p. 113)
Reviewed by Frederick K. Gable

Ann P. Basart, The Sound of the Fortepiano: A Discography of Recordings on Early Pianos. (p. 116)
Reviewed by Arthur Lawrence

Walter Salmen, ed., Jakob Stainer und seine Zeit: Tagungsbericht. (p. 118)
Reviewed by Laurence C. Witten II

Ian Woodfield, The Early History of the Viol. (p. 121)
Reviewed by John E. Sawyer

Nancy Toff, The Flute Book: A Complete Guide for Students and Performers (p. 126)
Reviewed by Jane P. Ambrose


Communication from James Tyler (p. 128)

Communication from Charles Beare (p. 129)

Communications from John Koster, William E. Hettrick, and Howard M. Schott concerning systems of pitch designation (p. 130)

RECENT BOOKS (pp. 133–137)

A list compiled by George Huber

Back Matter (pp. 138–end)

Volume 12, 1986

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society

BOOK REVIEWS (pp. 149–175)

Stanley Sadie, ed., The New Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments (p. 149)
Reviewed by Cecil Adkins and Margaret Downie Banks

James Coover, Musical Instrument Collections: Catalogues and Cognate Literature. (p. 156)
Reviewed by James M. Borders

Mantle Hood, The Evolution of J. Gamelan, book 2, The Legacy of the Roaring Sea. (p. 158)
Reviewed by Barbara B. Smith

Laurence Picken, ed., Musica Asiatica, vol. 4.  (p. 161)
Reviewed by Robert Washburn

Howard Schott, ed., The Historical Harpsichord: A Monograph Series in Honor of Frank Hubbard. (p. 163)
Reviewed by Howard Serwer

Adolf Heinrich Konig, ed., Alte Meistergeigen: Beschreibungen, Expertisen, vols. 5–6, Die Schule von Neapel. Die Schulen von Rom, Livorno, Verona, Ferrara, Brescia, und Mantua; vol. 7, Die Geigenbauer der Guadagnini-Familie. Die Turiner Schule; vol. 8, Französische Schule und Deutsche Meister. (p. 166)
Reviewed by Myron Rosenblum

Rien de Reede, ed., Concerning The Flute: Ten Articles about Flute Literature, Flute Playing, Flute Making, and Flutists (p. 167)
Reviewed by Jane P. Ambrose

Henry George Fischer. The Renaissance Sackbut and Its Use Today. (p. 170)
Reviewed by Herbert W. Myers

Robert Garofalo and Mark Elrod, A Pictorial History of Civil War Era Musical Instruments and Military Bands (p. 173)
Reviewed by Robert E. Eliason


Communication from Albert R. Rice (p. 176)

Communication from John W. Coltman (p. 177)

RECENT BOOKS (pp. 179–183)

A list compiled by George Huber

Back Matter (pp. 184–end)

Volume 11, 1985

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society

Two Reed Contrabasses (Contrabassi adancia) at Claremont (pp. 115–122)

Albert R. Rice and Peter J. Bukalski

BOOK REVIEWS (pp. 174–195)

Thomas E. Cross, Instruments of Burma, India, Nepal, Thailand, and Tibet. (p. 174)
Reviewed by Robert Washburn

Stephen Bonta and William Salzillo, eds., The Schambach Collection of Musical Instruments; William Salzillo, ed., The Art of Music: American Paintings & Musical Instruments 1770–1910;
Janice Gray Armstrong, ed., Catching the Tune: Music and William Sidney Mount. (p. 00)
Reviewed by Dale Higbee

Victor-Charles Mahillon, Éléments d'acoustique musicale et instrumentale: Comprenant  l'examen de la construction théorique de tous les instruments de musique en usage dans l'orchestre moderne. (p. 179)
Reviewed by John W. Coltman

Edwin M. Good, Giraffes, Black Dragons, and Other Pianos  (p. 182)
Reviewed by Maribel Meisel

Margaret Anne Downie, The Rebec: An Orthographic and Iconographic Study. (p. 186)
Reviewed by Cecil D. Adkins

Tom Wheeler, American Guitars: An Illustrated History.  (p. 187)
Reviewed by Nancy Groce

William Waterhouse, The Proud Bassoon.  (p. 189)
Reviewed by Beverley A. Ervine

JamesBlades, Percussion Instruments and Their History (p. 190)
Reviewed by Joseph H. Howard

Mantle Hood, The Evolution of Javanese Gamelan, book 1, Music of the Roaring Sea (p. 192)
Reviewed by Barbara B. Smith

RECENT BOOKS (pp. 196–203)

A list compiled by George Huber

Back Matter (pp. 204–end)

Volume 10, 1984

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society

The Pianos of Bartolomeo Cristofori (pp. 32–68)

Stewart Pollens

BOOK REVIEWS (pp. 119–139)

Susan Caust Farrell, Directory of Contemporary American Musical Instrument Makers (p. 119)
Reviewed by Dale Higbee

John Henry van der Meer and Rainer Weber, Catalogo degli strumenti musicali  dell’ Accademia Filarmonica di Verona. (p. 121)
Reviewed by R. M. Rosenbaum

John Fesperman, Flentrop in America: An Account of the Work and Influence of the Dutch  Organ Builder D. A. Flentrop in the United States, 1939-1977. (p. 123)
Reviewed by Barbara Owen

Phillip T. Young, Twenty-five Hundred Historical Woodwind Instruments: An Inventory of the Major Collections. (p. 125)
Reviewed by Mary Jean Simpson

E. A. K. Ridley, The Royal College of Music Museum of Instruments Catalogue, vol. 1, European Wind Instruments. (p. 126)
Reviewed by James Borders

Michael Seyfrit, Musical Instruments in the Dayton C. Miller Flute Collection at the Library of Congress: A Catalog, vol. 1, Recorders, Fifes, and Simple System Transverse Flutes of One Key.  (p. 128)
Reviewed by Beth Bullard

Friend Robert Overton, Der Zink: Geschichte, Bauweise und Spieltechnik eines historischen Musikinstrumen (p. 131)
Reviewed by Kenton T. Meyer

Kenton Terry Meyer, The Crumhorn: Its History, Design, Repertory, and Technique. (p. 134)
Reviewed by Herbert W. Myers


Communication from Robert E. Eliason (p. 138)

RECENT BOOKS (pp. 140–143)

A list compiled by George Huber

Back Matter (pp. 144–end)

Volume 9, 1983

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society

Joseph Haliday, Inventor of the Keyed Bugle (pp. 53–67)

Ralph T. Dudgeon

Theobald Boehm and the Scale of the Modern Flute (pp. 89–111)

John W. Coltman

BOOK REVIEWS (pp. 112–143)

John Henry van der Meer, Verzeichnis der europäischen Musikinstrumente im Germanischen Nationalmuseum: Nürnberg, vol. 1, Hörner und Trompeten, Membranophone, Idiophone; Carel van Leeuwen Boomkamp and John Henry van der Meer, The Carel van Leeuwen Boomkamp Collection of Musical Instruments: Descriptive Catalogue;
Herbert Heyde, Katalog des Musikinstrumenten-Museums der Karl-Marx-Universität, Leipzig, vol. 1, Flöten, vol. 3, Trompeten, Posaunen, Tuben. (p. 112)
Reviewed by Lloyd P. Farrar

Fivos Anoyanakis, Greek Popular Musical Instruments. (p. 118)
Reviewed by Margaret Anne Downie

Jennifer Lindsay, Javanese Gamelan; Haags Gemeentemuseum, Traditional Musical Instruments of Japan. (p. 122)
Reviewed by Barbara B. Smith

Bjørn Aksdal, Med Piber og Basuner, Skalmeye og Fiol: Musikinstrumenter i Norge ca. 1600-1800.  (p. 124)
Reviewed by John G. Johnstone

Hubert Henkel, Beiträge zum historischen Cembalobau.  (p. 125)
Reviewed by Howard J. Serwer

Peter Williams, The European Organ 1450-1850.  (p. 128)
Reviewed by Arthur Lawrence

James Tyler, The Early Guitar: A History and Handbook.  (p. 130)
Reviewed by Clare Callahan

Malou Haine, Adolphe Sax (1814-1894): Sa vie, son oeuvre et ses instruments de musique.  (p. 132)
Reviewed by Carolyn Bryant

Gary M. Stewart, Keyed Brass Instruments in the Arne B. Larson Collection. (p. 135)
Reviewed by Lloyd P. Farrar

Barra Boydell, The Crumhorn and Other Renaissance Windcap Instruments. (p. 138)
Reviewed by Kenton T. Meyer

RECENT BOOKS (pp. 144–148)

A list compiled by George Huber

Back Matter (pp. 149–end)

Volume 8, 1982

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society

Reed Organ Coverage in The New Grove (pp. 69–78)

James H. Richards

BOOK REVIEWS (pp. 93–116)

Jeremy Montagu, The World of Baroque and Classical Musical Instruments; Jeremy Montagu, The World of Romantic and Modern Musical Instruments. (p. 93)
Reviewed by Robert Austin Warner

Helmut Giesel, Studien zur Symbolik der Musikinstrumente im Schrifttum der alten und mittelalterlichen Kirche, von den Anfängen bis zum 13. Jahrhundert (p. 96)
Reviewed by Tilman Seebass

C. F. Colt, The Early Piano. (p. 99)
Reviewed by Frederick K. Gable

Fenner Douglass, Cavaillé-Coll and the Musicians. (p. 102)
Reviewed by Charles Ferguson

John Fesperman, Organs in Mexico.  (p. 104)
Reviewed by Arthur Lawrence

Herbert W. Myers, The Practical Acoustics of Early Woodwinds;
M. Castellengo, F. Drouin, and P. Sechet, La flûte traversiere à une clef. (p. 105)
Reviewed by John W. Coltman

Nancy Toff, The Development of the Modern Flute. (p. 108)
Reviewed by Jane P. Ambrose

Helmut Ottner, Der Wiener Instrumentenbau 1815-1833;
Konrad Ruhland, Alte Musikinstrumente aus niederbayerischen Werkstätten. (p. 111)
Reviewed by William E. Hettrick

RECENT BOOKS (pp. 117–122)

A list compiled by George Huber

Back Matter (pp. 123–end)

Volume 7, 1981

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society

Harpsichord Mottoes  (pp. 5–35)

Thomas McGeary

A Bass Clarinet by the Mayrhofers of Passau (pp. 36–46)

Phillip T. Young

The Mystique of the Shakuhachi (pp. 90–98)

Karl Signell

REVIEWS (pp. 99–129)

Barbara Owen, The Organ in New England: An Account of Its Use and Manufacture to the End of the Nineteenth Century, (p. 99)
Reviewed by Arthur Lawrence

Peter Williams, A New History of the Organ, from the Greeks to the Present Day, (p. 102)
Reviewed by Barbara Owen

John Allen Ferguson, Walter Holtkamp, American Organ Builder, (p. 109)
Reviewed by Robert Clark

Arend Jan Gierveld, Het Nederlandse huisorgel in de 17de en 18de eeuw, (p. 111)
Reviewed by Dale Carr

Robert E. Eliason, Early American Brass Makers, (p. 114)
Reviewed by Robert E. Sheldon

Laurence Libin, Musical Instruments in the Metropolitan Museum; 
Laurence Libin, A Checklist of European Harps;
William L. Monical, A Checklist of Viole da gamba (Viols);
Joyce Smar, Michaelene Gorney, and Jane Vial, Musical Instruments, (p. 116)
Reviewed by Dale Higbee

lan McCombie, The Piano Handbook (p. 118)
Reviewed by Andris K. Chapin

Owen Jorgensen, The Equal-beating Temperaments: A Handbook for Tuning Harpsichords and Forte-Pianos, with Tuning Techniques and Tables of Fifteen Historical Temperaments; 
Herbert Anton Kellner, The Tuning of My Harpsichord (p. 121)
Reviewed by Douglas Leedy

RECENT BOOKS (pp. 130–137)

A list compiled by George Huber

Back Matter (pp. 138–end)

Volumes 5 and 6, 1979–80

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society

The Modern Greek Lyra (pp. 144–165)

Margaret Anne Downie

REVIEWS (pp. 166–217)

A.-P. de Mirimonde, L'iconographie musicale sous les rois Bourbons: La musique dans les arts  plastiques (XVIIe-XVIIIesiécles) (p. 166)
Reviewed by Richard D. Leppert

Laurence Picken, Folk Musical Instruments of Turkey (p. 171)
Reviewed by Karl Signell

René de Maeyer, ed., The Brussels Museum of Musical Instruments Bulletin, vol. 4, (p. 176)
Reviewed by R. Peter Wolf

Smithsonian Institution, Division of Musical Instruments Staff, A Checklist of Keyboard Instruments at the Smithsonian Institution, (p. 179)
Reviewed by John Henry van der Meer

Alfred J. Hipkins, A Description and History of the Pianoforte and of the Older Keyboard Stringed Instruments;
Helen Rice Hollis, The Piano: A Pictorial Account of Its Ancestry  and Development, (p. 182)
Reviewed by Laurence Libin

Brigitte Geiser, Studien zur Frühgeschichte der Violine, (p. 187)
Reviewed by Laurence C. Witten II

Edwin M. Ripin, ed., Keyboard Instruments: Studies in Keyboard Organology, 1500-1800;
Wouter Scheurwater and Rob van Acht, Oude klavecimbels: bun bouw en restauratie (Old Harpsichords: Their Construction and Restoration), (p. 190)
Reviewed by R. Peter Wolf

Francois Bédos de Celles (Charles Ferguson, trans.), The Organ-Builder, (p. 193)
Reviewed by Fenner Douglass

Owen Jorgensen, Tuning the Historical Temperaments by Ear,  (p. 197)
Reviewed by Douglas Leedy

Earle L. Kent, ed., Musical Acoustics: Piano and Wind Instruments (p. 200)
Reviewed by John W. Coltman

Bernhard Briichle and Kurt Janetzky, Kulturgeschichte des Horns: Ein Bildsachbuch / A Pictorial History of the Horn, (p. 203)
Reviewed by Robert E. Eliason

Clifford Bevan, The Tuba Family,  (p. 205)
Reviewed by André P. Larson

Monique Brandily, Instruments de musique et musiciens instrumentistes chez les Teda du Tibesti,  (p. 207)
Reviewed by Darius L. thieme

G. Craig Caba, United States Military Drums, 1845-1865: A Pictorial Survey, (p. 210)
Reviewed by Lloyd P. Farrar

Jean Jenkins, ed., International Directory of Musical Instrument Collections,  (p. 213)
Reviewed by Dale Higbee

Anthony Baines, The Bate Collection of Historical Wind Instruments: Catalogue of the Instruments, (p. 216)
Reviewed by Dale Higbee

RECENT BOOKS (pp. 218–227)

A list compiled by George Huber

Back Matter (pp. 228–end)

Volume 4, 1978

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society

Regional Schools of Harpsichord Decoration (pp. 54–105)

Sheridan Germann

REVIEWS (pp. 114–142)

Cyril Ehrlich, The Piano: A History (p. 114)
Reviewed by Keith G. Grafing

J. Bunker Clark, Transposition in Seventeenth Century English Organ Accompaniments and the Transposing Organ (p. 116)
Reviewed by Robert Parkins

LiseManniche, Ancient Egyptian Musical Instruments and Musical Instruments from the Tomb of Tut'ankhamūn, (p. 119)
Reviewed by Martha Maas

Jeremy Montagu, The World of Medieval and Renaissance Musical Instruments;
David Munrow, Instruments of the Middle Ages and Renaissance (p. 121)
Reviewed by Bruce Bellingham

James Blades and Jeremy Montagu, Early Percussion Instruments from the Middle Ages to the Baroque; Jeremy Montagu, Making Early Percussion Instruments,  (p. 125)
Reviewed by Edmund A. Bowles

Herbert K. Goodkind, Violin Iconography of Antonio Stradivari: 1644-1737, (p. 130)
Reviewed by Albert Mell

Harry Danks, The Viola d’Amore (p. 134)
Reviewed by Myron Rosenblum

Elizabeth Cowling, The Cello (p. 136)
Reviewed by Mary Cyr

Ernst Gottlieb Baron, Study of the Lute (1727) (p. 138)
Reviewed by Hugh Gough

Francis Collinson, The Bagpipe: The History of a Musical Instrument (p. 141)
Reviewed by Shelley Gruskin


Communication from Robert Eliason (p. 143)

RECENT BOOKS (pp. 144–152)

A list compiled by George K. Huber

Back Matter (pp. 153–end)

Volume 3, 1977

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society

The Dresden Key Bugle (pp. 57–63)

Robert E. Eliason

REVIEWS (pp. 122–136)

Sibyl Marcuse, A Survey of Musical Instruments (p. 122)
Reviewed by Laurence Libin

Lenz Meierott, Die geschichtliche Entwicklung der kleinen Flötentypen und ihre Verwendung in der Musik des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts (p. 125)
Reviewed by Jane Bowers

Orpha Ochse, The History of the Organ in the United States (p. 129)
Reviewed by John Fesperman

Robert E. Eliason, Graves & Company: Musical Instrument Makers (p. 131)
Reviewed by Robert Austin Warner

E. A. K. Ridley, Wind Instruments of European Art Music;
Walter Nef, Alte Musikinstrumente in Basel (p. 132)
Reviewed by Dale Higbee

Don E. Teeter, The Acoustic Guitar: Adjustment, Care, Maintenance and Repair (p. 134)
Reviewed by H.E. Hutting II


Communication from Frederick Crane (p. 137)

RECENT BOOKS (pp. 139–149)

A list compiled by George Huber

Back Matter (pp. 150–end)

Volume 2, 1976

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society

Musical-Instrument Makers in New Jersey, 1796-1860 (pp. 5–33)

Charles H. Kaufman

The Phorminx in Classical Greece (pp. 34–55)

Martha Maas

Brasses with Both Keys and Valves (pp. 69–85)

Robert E. Eliason

A Spanish Clavichord Tuning of the Seventeenth Century (pp. 86–95)

Barbara Brewster Hoag

REVIEWS (pp. 96–103)

William Lichtenwanger et al., compilers, A Survey of Musical Instrument Collections in the United States and Canada (p. 96)
Reviewed by Howard Mayer Brown

Karl Gustav Izikowitz, Musical Instruments of the South American Indians (p. 98)
Reviewed by Isabel Aretz

Reine Dahlquist, The Keyed Trumpet and lts Greatest Virtuoso, Anton Weidinger (p. 101)
Reviewed by Robert E. Eliason

Arthur LaBrew, Francis Johnson (1792-1844): A Study in 19th Century Military and Terpsichorean Music History (p. 101)
Reviewed by Robert E. Eliason

Theodor H. Podnus, Bagpipes and Tunings (p. 102)
Reviewed by J. Richard Haefer

RECENT BOOKS (pp. 104–117)

A list compiled by George Huber

In Memoriam Edwin M. Ripin (pp. 118–121)

Howard Mayer Brown

Back Matter (pp. 122–end)

Volume 1, 1975

Journal of the
American Musical Instrument Society


Apollo, Orpheus, and David (pp. 5–55)

Laurence C. Witten II

Han Dynasty Musicians and Instruments (pp. 113–125)

Fong Chow

Reviews (pp. 126–133)

Trevor Robinson, The Amateur Wind Instrument Maker,
reviewed by Laura Beha 

Edwin M. Ripin, The Instrument Catalogues of Leopoldo Franciolini,
reviewed by Robert M. Rosenbaum

Don L. Smithers, The Music and History of the Baroque Trumpet before I72I,
reviewed by Robert Eliason 

Frederick Crane, Extant Medieval Musical Instruments : A Provisional Catalogue by Types, reviewed by Edwin M. Ripin 

Recent Books (pp. 134–143) 

Compiled by George Huber

Back Matter (pp. 145)